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Primavera Day Care
Caring for your little ones
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Primavera Daycare

A Word

From Our Owner

“Raising three children has taught me a lot about patience and nurturing a Childs mind for them to gain good habits and learn. At Primavera Daycare I strive to attend to every child’s needs so they are well taken care of, fed and most importantly feel a part of our family. “

– Teresa Velazquez


Our School

The Best Daycare

Primavera Daycare will provide a stimulating and safe environment for children ages three months to ten years. Run by an experienced mother (Teresa Velazquez), Primavera Daycare will be the fun, affordable daycare with the best quality you can find in town. We seem to nurture a child’s mind,  


When returning to work or just need time to yourself, we can provide for your baby’s needs. We make sure to take care of them as if your child was one of our own.

Young active toddlers need special attentiveness to structure some habits, learning, and awareness. We accommodate them with activities to help them with their journey.
Be assured that we’ve taken every precaution to make sure your child is in a safe environment with all eyes to watch their surroundings.
Meals and Snacks
We make your child is fueled throughout the day with snack times and meals. If they are younger then we schedule with parents for their meeting times.
Coloring, painting, stories, and learning activities are just some of the fun your child will encounter. Creativity and curiosity are key to nurture their mind.


Get In Touch

Location: 6511 Walker Ave. Bell California 90201

Telephone: (323) 244-8371

Email: info@primaveradaycare.com

School Hours: M-F: 8am – 6pm

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